Our Guru and Professor

Prof.Dr. D.N. Sharma
(Ex.Principal – Govt. Ayurvedic College & Hospital – Gurukul, Haridwar, India, Himalayas)
He was Principal of Government Ayurveda College & Hospital, Gurukul, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, INDIA.
He was expert in Ayurveda treatments, Diagnosis, basic principles of Ayurveda and Panchakarma therapy in India.
He was of the most senior Ayurveda expert in the country and credited with training a large number of Ayurveda Doctors, thus contributed significantly towards preservation and propagation of the ancient school of Ayurveda medicine.
Was considered the Master of basic principles of Ayurveda and teaching the same to young and enthusiastic pupils of this age-old piece of knowledge in his favorite occupation.

Prof.Dr. S.N. Srivastava
He was H.O.D.AyurvedicMedicine & Panchakarma – Govt. Ayur. College &HospitalGurukul, Haridwar – India, Himalaya)
Was famous Ayurveda Physician in north India, siddha in different types of disease specially in – Respiratary system (swasvaha srotas), Urinary system (mutravah srotas), Digestive system (Annavah srotas).
He was expert in pulse diagnosis, trainings in panchakarma therapy and credited with teachings with large number of students of Ayurveda, thus contributed scientifically towards preservation and propagation of Ayurveda herbal system of treatment and diagnosis.
He was considered best Master of Ayurveda Medicine and Panchakarma and teaching the same to all young and enthusiastic pupils of this age.
He do pulse diagnosis, trainings in panchakarma therapy and credited with teachings with large number of students of Ayurveda, thus contributing scientifically towards preservation and propagation of Ayurveda herbal system of treatment and diagnosis.
He is considering to be a Master of Ayurveda Medicine and Panchakarma and teaching the same to all young and enthusiastic pupils of this age.
Doctors & Teachers at Hemadri Ayurveda Center

Dr. M. L. Maurya (Ayurveda Consultant Physician)
Dr. M.L. Maurya is a Ayurveda Doctor specialist in Panchakarma, Naturopathy and additionally he is,
Qualified Ayurveda Doctor, Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery (B.A.M.S.) Ayurveda Degree from Gurukul Kangri Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Haridwar Uttarakhand, India, affiliated to CSJM Kanpur Univesity.
Panchakarma Certificate from Mallinath Ayurvedic Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka and Post-Graduate Diploma in Panchakarma from Vinayaka Mission Deemed University, Tamilnadu, India.
P.G. advance diploma in Naturopathy & Yoga science from Punjab University, Chandigarh, India.
M.Sc. in Holistic Health and Yoga from Uttarakhand open university.
Ex. Medical officer, Government Ayurvedic Hospital, Bamswal, Almora, Uttarakhand.
Expertise in Panchakarma detoxification/ rejuvenation treatments, Ayurvedic Therapy, Pulse diagnosis, Identification of 250 medicinal plants, Ayurvedic consultation, lectures on Ayurvedic philosophy, herbs & diets, Pharmacy manufacturing of medicines.
Established Ayurveda Panchakarma center in Jan 2005 at Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh, India; Managing and providing all Ayurvedic treatments, Naturopathy treatments, Consultations, delivering lectures on Ayurveda, Giving training in Ayurveda, naturopathy and panchakarma.
Establishes 17 suits, residential Shanti Makaan Ayurveda wellness Center, Rishikesh in 2017.
He learned and experienced Ayurveda treatments in the auspicious guidance of Guru and professor Dr D.N.Sharma and Professor Dr.S.N.Srivastava from Ayurveda college and Hospital, Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar, India.
He has increasing number of cliental from all over the world especially from U.S.A and Europe, Brazil, Japan, Canada and United Kingdom.

Dr. Virendra Kumar Verma
M.D. Ayurveda
(Visiting Consultant)
Qualified Ayurveda Doctor, Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery (B.A.M.S.) Ayurveda Degree from Gurukul Kangri Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Haridwar Uttarakhand, India, affiliated to CSJM Kanpur University. He is M.D in Ayurveda herbal plants (dravyaguna).
Expertise in formulations of Ayurveda products, Ayurvedic Pharmacy, in name of Punarnava Herbals. He is having clear vision to treat disease with herbal medicines and panchakarma. He is based in Varanasi and growing herbal medicinal plants organically and making herbal formulations to cure the disease. He has product range about 300 in numbers.
Additionally, he is running Ayurvedic Hospital in name of Pushkar Ayurveda Niketan, in Varanasi. He is expert in Panchakarma detoxification, Pulse diagnosis, Identification of 250 medicinal plants, Ayurvedic consultation, lectures on Ayurvedic philosophy, herbs & diets, Pharmacy manufacturing of medicines.
He learned Ayurveda treatments in the guidance of my Guru Dr D.N.Sharma and Dr S.N. Srivastava from Haridwar Ayurveda college and Hospital, Gurukul Kangri, India- Himalayas.

Yogi Upendra Prasad (Meditation &Pranayama)
He leaned yoga philosophy from divine life society He is very calm, living in nature on the bank of river Ganges, could hear roaring of Ganges flow, practicing Himalayan Yoga for last 15 years.

Mr. Babloo Gupta
The Manager and trainer of Ayurveda Therapist
He is well experience senior therapist and trainer for Ayurveda courses students during the course conducted by Hemadri Ayurveda.
He is very sincere to and caring to the guest.

Raj Vaidya - S K Mishra
Cancer & Chronic Disease Specialist

Sangita Maurya
Shanti Makaan Ayurvedic Wellness & Hemadri Ayurveda