Basic principles of Ayurveda
Ayurveda or science of life is one of the most ancient systems of medicine that was evolved 5000 years ago in India. It was born from the stem Vedic tree that represents a very simple approach towards healing. Ayurveda is not a system that doesn’t revolve around the management of symptoms like modern medicines but focuses on prevention by creating a balance between your mind, body and nature. This balance is created personally curated herbal remedies, diet discipline, exercise and other Ayurvedic therapies. Ayurveda says that every human being is made up of Panchmahabhutas or five elements that are: fire, air, water, earth and space.
These Panchmahabhutas when combined give rise to three dosha or life forces that is Vata (air+ Space), pitta (fire+ water) and Kapha (water+ earth). Every individual is a combination of these three dosha and the dominancy of one or more dosha from the Prakriti or constitution of the individual. These dosha govern all the function inside the body and affect individual behaviour with others.
Balancing the dosha: the three fundamental energies of the body
According to Ayurveda, every human being is a unique combination of three basic principle energies that is known as Tridoshas. These principles govern the biology of every individual that is a build-up of energy to metabolize and then create a structure of the cell. When it comes to the movement of energy- Vata governs it, pitta governs the function of digestion and assimilation and the Kapha structure it. When these three vital energies are in balance makes an individual healthy and when the balance disturbed leads t diseases.

Vata dosha:
it is composed of air and space element and governs all the essential movements inside the body that is ingestion and swallowing of food, respiring and all the voluntary movement of the body. It also controls all the major involuntary function of the body that is breathing, movement of tissue and muscles, blinking of eyes and heartbeat and movement of fluid inside the cells. The Vata resides in colons and governs thighs, joints, bones, skin and brain. When Vata dosha is balanced it makes an individual flexible as well as creative, when it is out of balance It manifest stress, fear and anxiety in the body.
Pitta dosha:
It is composed of fire and water element and governs all the body metabolic system and digestion, assimilation and absorption of nutrient in the body and regulate the body temperature. People with dominant pitta dosha have strong digestion, metabolism, very good appetite and very good eyesight. When pitta dosha is balanced it gives you a very intelligent with a good understanding and power of comprehension which makes them an exceptional leader. When it is out of balance it tends to manifest hatred, jealousy in a person.
Kapha dosha:
It is composed of earth and water element and is the energy that is responsible for the growth and development of body structure. The major function of Kapha is the maintenance of fluid in the body parts and its system. It lubricates the joints, maintain the moisture in the skin and build immunity, strength and mental endurance. When it is balanced brings calmness and preservance in nature, when it is out of balance leads to obesity.
Aggravation of diseases according to Ayurveda and its treatment
According to Ayurveda when one or more than one imbalances starts to manifest in the mind and the body. So when it started manifesting on the physical level due to the imbalance in Vata pitta and Kapha principles energies and disrupts the digestive system which is a centre of all the imbalance. Later on, its aggravation leads to dissimilation of vital nutrients in the body and further degeneration of body tissues that is dhatus and manifest into a serious disease (arthritis).
Ayurveda encompasses several practices for accessing the health of an individual by carefully examines the symptoms in relation to its root cause of imbalance. This will be done through the inclusion of certain diet and herbs in the body, lifestyle changes followed by cleansing programs named panchakarma therapy and rejuvenation program that helps in getting rid of accumulated toxins from the body. By applying these principles it creates health and wellness and gets rid of disease from the body.